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Full Funnel Freedom

Nov 13, 2023

Building and maintaining an efficient and effective team takes WORK. Your sales leadership needs to build an environment of trust, motivation, and a positive team culture. This week we take ideas and insights from Masako Long, VP of Sales at Janusea regarding the human aspect of sales and the importance of building confidence in your team.

What you'll learn:

  • What does it mean to be a leader?
  • How to share without being obnoxious
  • How to build rapport with a peer that looks at you like a competitor
  • Alternatives to stack ranking
  • How to create peer motovation and discipline without official power
  • How to create a space for vulnerability
  • The best practices for team management.


8 Fundamentals for Building a Scalable Sales Model - Free Whitepaper

Many sales leaders claim they are eager to build a scalable sales model positioned for growth – a model that will allow them to ramp up revenue dramatically, without causing stress. Is that even possible? The answer is yes... if you have the right processes in place. How do you make sure that happens?

Here are eight ideas we are sharing with our clients.

Download the free whitepaper at



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Masako Long on LinkedIn